Heat Pump Chiller 1 페이지

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PID Chiller

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PID Chiller, Condensing Unit

PID is one of the automatic control algorithms.
While P represents proportional control, I represents integral control, and D represents differential control. This refers to the proportional, integral, and differential control of the difference between the target value and the actual value.

Temperature control is a control that gets inputted with the temperature of target control from the temperature Sensor, and makes as well as maintains the target temperature by controlling the output and comparing the targeted temperature such as Heater or Cooler to the current target temperature.

P control basically requires re-stabilization time when the temperature changes due to external influences.
The control for shortening this time and achieving rapid stabilization is D control. As a result, the PID control realizes the control of quickly stabilizing the temperature to the target temperature without Overshoot and Under Shoot.

PID control is used for motor speed control and temperature control to provide more stable and precise control.
High efficiency Compact size Solidity Economics One-Stop Service
Customized proposal of appropriate site through optimal site design As product is composed of beautiful exterior and one Unit product, it is easy to install in a small place. Application of frame structure with excellent durability Create optima economic feasibility compared with the same class by utilizing high-efficiency Provision of the best service by autonomously one-stop service from order to design, construction and maintenance management


PID control can be applied to all types of integrated/separated types of air-cooled, water-cooled, and on-demand.

Main usage

  • Extrusion, injection, blow moulding press
  • High frequency, laser, welding machine, ultrasonic instrument
  • Semiconductor equipment, science, experimental
  • Food, medicine, medical service, chemistry facilities
  • Printing, textile, film, moulding press
  • Hydraulic equipment and extra thermal load equipment
TheHan Technology Co., Ltd. Address : 23, Techno 2-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
TEL : +82-42-932-4017 FAX : +82-42-932-4018 EMAIL : ecoplus@thehan.co.kr